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Support for healthcare organizations

MyData-TRUST, Global Data Protection One-Stop-Shop for Life Sciences, has partnered with Colington Consulting, a leading provider of HIPAA compliance services in the United States.

We provide full services to healthcare organizations based inside and outside the United States, including Covered Entities and Business Associates. Our consulting services include:

  • HIPAA Security Risk Assessments
  • HIPAA Risk Management Plans (policies and procedures)
  • HIPAA Training
  • HIPAA hourly consulting
  • HIPAA related Contingency Plans
  • Facility Security Surveys and Plans
  • HIPAA Compliance Implementation Assistance

  • HIPAA compliance is vital to protect electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) and maintain a thriving healthcare organization or business.
  • Together, we have the required expertise to determine what your organization’s HIPAA requirements may be.
  • We can help your organization understand and meet HIPAA regulatory standards to reduce the risk of noncompliance. We can also determine if HIPAA requirements may not apply in some cases.

HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA partenership

We customize a package of services to meet your requirements

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Regulatory compliance

Many organizations and businesses believe that HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulatory compliance is difficult and costly. This prevents some organizations from guarding against regulatory noncompliance. In actuality, implementing HIPAA compliance measures is cost-effective, especially compared to the multi-tiered penalties your organization can face for noncompliance violations.

Does your organization constantly have questions about HIPAA privacy and security issues?
Does your organization need assistance implementing a HIPAA compliance program?
Is your business looking to provide services in the healthcare sector in the United States and need to know what HIPAA issues you will face?
Are you a developer considering launching a healthcare app and need to determine how protected health information will be secured, accessed, stored, or transmitted?

We will make HIPAA compliance strategies accessible to you. Our experts will customize a package of services to meet your requirements and ensure your organization can afford all the tools it needs to remain compliant.

Let's Start To Discuss

Consulting, Implementation & Solutions

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